
dsm-firmenich focuses on the production and supply of nutritional ingredients and drug delivery solutions for […]

dsm-firmenich AG
Wurmisweg 576
4303 Kaiseraugst

dsm-firmenich focuses on the production and supply of nutritional ingredients and drug delivery solutions for the pharmaceutical sector. It provides high-quality vitamins, lipids, and carotenoids used in drug formulations. Additionally, it offers delivery technologies that improve the bioavailability and efficacy of medications. dsm-firmenich supports the development of various dosage forms, including oral and injectable, by enhancing the performance of active ingredients in pharmaceutical products.

dsm-firmenich was formed in 2023 through the merger of DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition, and advanced materials, with firmenich, in the fragrance and flavour industry, known for creating perfumes, tastes, and ingredients.

