We will waive all charges on testing related to the development of a treatment or vaccine to combat COVID-19 at our analytical services and research laboratories in the UK and US which are currently open.
Pharmaceutical laboratory instrumentation provider, Pion, has offered its analytical services pro bono to assist in the development of vaccines and therapeutics for use in the fight against COVID-19. In particular the company highlights its Scissor SubCutaneous Injection Site Simulator assays, which “simulate the stress conditions and environmental transitions of a biopharmaceutical drug when injected subcutaneously and help characterise biopharmaceutical behaviour immediately after administration”.
The letter from Pion’s President follows:
Dear Colleagues,
In the light of current events Pion offers our analytical services pro bono to assist the global research and medical community in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
We will waive all charges on testing related to the development of a treatment or vaccine to combat COVID-19 at our analytical services and research laboratories in the UK and US which are currently open.
A full range of our analytical testing capabilities is given at:
Of special note is the Scissor SubCutaneous Injection Site Simulator instrument. The assays simulate the stress conditions and environmental transitions of a biopharmaceutical drug when injected subcutaneously and help characterise biopharmaceutical behaviour immediately after administration.
Best wishes for a safe passage through this pandemic.
Mike Kelly, President, and all of the Pion Team.
Source: LinkedIn post.