
Kami Krista is the CEO and co-founder of Elio, a tech start-up company with the aim of making sustainable manufacturing the norm by providing scientists and engineers with an AI co-pilot to seamlessly evaluate process design decisions based on sustainability. By trade, Mr Krista is a bioengineer, studying at Harvard University (MA, US), and pursuing drug development research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA, US) on a novel HIV therapy that he began developing while still in high school. As a result of these experiences, he ended up as an engineering consultant for biotech companies on multi-billion dollar merger and acquisition deals. His work on sustainability has been the red thread throughout his life, starting with writing a letter to President Lula about the harms of deforesting the Amazon. Among other things, Mr Krista sat on the UN Youth4Climate Advisory Committee, was a youth delegate for Austria at UN COP26 in Glasgow and built the 200-person volunteer translation team for ClimateScience. He is a fellow with Sigma Squared and Alexis Ohanian’s 776 Foundation.
